In this incredible drama from Disruptive Films, Johnny Ford and Ben Masters play stepbrothers with a rather strained relationship. Johnny is the firstborn and only son in the family, as Johnny’s mother ends up disabled as a result of his...
Never leave two stepbrothers alone, especially if they are gay, because they will quickly become closer than usual. That’s exactly what happens to Brandon Anderson and Ben Masters when they’re left home alone after Brandon’s mom and Ben’s dad leave...
Ryder Owens plays his favorite video game while his boyfriend Diego Daniels and their guest Ben Masters are bored. Diego and Ben decide to heat up, believing that Ryder is so focused on the game that he won’t notice their...
Can you imagine Derek Kage and Ben Masters wearing baseball gear?! You don’t have to imagine it, thanks to Rod. This week, Rod’s room becomes the epicenter of baseball’s hottest action. Did we write baseball?! We meant anal. Watch as...