This week at GrowBoys, Eddie Racoon finally finds another creature with his interests – Brandon Moore. As you remember, Eddie lost all his friends, his family, and even his job after the Psycho Professor turned him into a monster. Branden’s...
After Drake Magnum was turned into a cat man by his professor, the young man experienced a lot. He survived from day to day until he ended up in the club of sadistic Sam, who made him a nude dancer....
Eddy just finished his transformation. From now on, he will turn into a raccoon every night. His transformer, Professor Damien Oaks, has failed to tell Eddie that the raccoons are very sexual animals so that Eddie will soon face her...
Poor growl boy Doug needs money to survive. He’s a werecat and everybody hates him. Excluding kinky dude Sam who fucks the creature for money. We’ve already told you the story of the werewolf Matthew. If you remember, the young...
One student experiences horrible transformation. Only hours after he had sex with his possessor, he became a furry, cock addicted monster. It’s time for a sensational update. If you are a comic book fan, we are sure you will rate...